Source code for kadi_apy.lib.resources.records

# Copyright 2020 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import copy
import os
import time
from io import BytesIO

import click

from kadi_apy.lib.commons import ExportMixin
from kadi_apy.lib.commons import PermissionMixin
from kadi_apy.lib.commons import TagMixin
from kadi_apy.lib.exceptions import KadiAPYInputError
from kadi_apy.lib.exceptions import KadiAPYRequestError
from kadi_apy.lib.helper import chunked_response
from kadi_apy.lib.resource import Resource

def _remove_key(list, key_remove):
    return [obj for obj in list if obj["key"] != key_remove]

def _flatten_extras(extras, separator, key_prefix=""):
    flat_extras = []

    for index, extra in enumerate(extras):
        if extra["type"] in ["dict", "list"]:
            flat_extras += _flatten_extras(
                key_prefix=f"{key_prefix}{extra.get('key', index + 1)}{separator}",
            new_extra = copy.deepcopy(extra)

            if "key" in extra:
                new_extra["key"] = f"{key_prefix}{extra['key']}"
                new_extra["key"] = f"{key_prefix}{index + 1}"


    return flat_extras

def _progress_bar(item, iterable, **kwargs):
    """Function which returns either click progress bar or a custom iterable."""

    class Iterable:
        """Custom iterable."""

        def __init__(self, iterable=None):
            self.iterable = iterable

        def __enter__(self):
            return self.iterable

        def __exit__(self, *args):

    if item.is_verbose():
        return click.progressbar(iterable, **kwargs)

    return Iterable(iterable)

[docs]class Record(Resource, ExportMixin, PermissionMixin, TagMixin): r"""Model to represent records. :param manager: Manager to use for all API requests. :type manager: KadiManager :param id: The ID of an existing resource. :type id: int, optional :param identifier: The unique identifier of a new or existing resource, which is only relevant if no ID was given. If present, the identifier will be used to check for an existing resource instead. If no existing resource could be found or the resource to check does not use a unique identifier, it will be used to create a new resource instead, together with the additional metadata. The identifier is adjusted if it contains spaces, invalid characters or exceeds the length of 50 valid characters. :type identifier: str, optional :param skip_request: Flag to skip the initial request. :type skip_request: bool, optional :param create: Flag to determine if a resource should be created in case a identifier is given and the resource does not exist. :type create: bool, optional :param \**kwargs: Additional metadata of the new resource to create. :type \**kwargs: dict """ base_path = "/records" name = "record"
[docs] def check_metadatum(self, metadatum): """Check if a record has a certain metadatum. Does currently not support metadata in nested types. :param metadatum: The metadatum to check. :type metadatum: str :return: ``True`` if the metadatum exists, otherwise ``False``. :rtype: bool """ for obj in self.meta["extras"]: if obj["key"] == metadatum: return True return False
[docs] def add_metadatum(self, metadatum, force=False): """Add metadatum to a record. Validation supports currently no nested metadata. :param metadatum: The metadatum to add. :type metadatum: dict :param force: Whether to overwrite the metadatum with the new value in case the metadatum already exists. :type force: bool :return: The response object. """ endpoint = self._actions["edit"] metadata = copy.deepcopy(self.meta["extras"]) metadatum_key = metadatum.get("key") if self.check_metadatum(metadatum_key): if force: metadata = [obj for obj in metadata if obj["key"] != metadatum_key] metadata.append(metadatum) else: metadata.append(metadatum) return self._patch(endpoint, json={"extras": metadata})
[docs] def add_metadata(self, metadata_new, force=False, callback=None): r"""Add metadata to a record. Validation supports currently no nested metadata. :param metadata_new: One or more metadata entries to add, either as dictionary or a list of dictionaries. :type metadata_new: dict, list :param force: Whether to overwrite the metadatum with the new value in case the metadatum already exists. :type force: bool :param callback: Callback function. :type callback: optional :return: The response object. """ # TODO Validation does not work for nested metadata. if not isinstance(metadata_new, list): metadata_new = [metadata_new] metadata_old = copy.deepcopy(self.meta["extras"]) for metadatum_new in metadata_new: found = False for metadatum_old in metadata_old: if metadatum_new.get("key") == metadatum_old["key"]: found = True if force: if metadatum_old["type"] in ["dict", "list"]: metadata_new = _remove_key( metadata_new, metadatum_old["key"] ) if callback: callback(metadatum_old, True) else: metadata_old = _remove_key( metadata_old, metadatum_old["key"] ) if callback: callback(metadatum_new, False) else: metadata_new = _remove_key(metadata_new, metadatum_old["key"]) if callback and not found: callback(metadatum_new, False) return self._patch( self._actions["edit"], json={"extras": metadata_old + metadata_new} )
[docs] def remove_metadatum(self, metadatum): """Remove a metadatum from a record. Only first level metadata are supported (no nested types). :param metadatum: The metadatum to remove. :type metadatum: str :return: The response object. """ metadata = [obj for obj in self.meta["extras"] if obj["key"] != metadatum] return self._patch(self._actions["edit"], json={"extras": metadata})
[docs] def remove_all_metadata(self): """Remove all metadata from a record. :return: The response object. """ return self._patch(self._actions["edit"], json={"extras": []})
def _initiate_upload( self, file_name, file_size, file_description=None, force=False ): file_metadata = { "name": file_name, "size": file_size, } if file_description is not None: file_metadata["description"] = file_description endpoint = self._actions["new_upload"] response = self._post(endpoint, json=file_metadata) if response.status_code == 409 and force: del file_metadata["name"] endpoint = response.json()["file"]["_actions"]["edit_data"] response = self._put(endpoint, json=file_metadata) return response def _upload_data(self, file, upload_meta): upload_type = upload_meta["upload_type"] endpoint = upload_meta["_actions"]["upload_data"] if upload_type == "direct": return self._put(endpoint, data=file) chunk_count = upload_meta["chunk_count"] chunk_size = upload_meta["_meta"]["chunk_size"] # Upload the file chunks. with _progress_bar(self, range(chunk_count)) as iterable_bar: for i in iterable_bar: chunk_data = headers = { "Kadi-Chunk-Index": str(i), "Kadi-Chunk-Size": str(len(chunk_data)), } response = self._put(endpoint, data=chunk_data, headers=headers) if response.status_code != 200: return response # Finish the upload. endpoint = response.json()["_actions"]["finish"] response = self._post(endpoint) if response.status_code != 202: return response # Wait for the upload to process. endpoint = response.json()["_links"]["self"] delay = 0.1 time.sleep(delay) while True: response = self._get(endpoint) if response.status_code == 200: task_meta = response.json()["_meta"]["task"] if "file" in task_meta or "error" in task_meta: break else: break time.sleep(delay) if delay < 10: delay += 1 return response
[docs] def upload_file( self, file_path, file_name=None, file_description=None, force=False, ): """Upload a file to a record. :param file_path: The path to the file (incl. name of the file). :type file_path: str :param file_name: The name under which the file should be stored. If no name is given, the name is taken from the file path. :type file_name: str, optional :param file_description: The description of the file. :type file_description: str, optional :param force: Whether to replace an existing file with identical name. :type force: bool, optional :return: The final response object of the upload process. """ file_name = os.path.basename(file_path) if file_name is None else file_name file_size = os.path.getsize(file_path) response = self._initiate_upload( file_name, file_size, file_description=file_description, force=force ) if response.status_code != 201: return response with open(file_path, "rb") as f: return self._upload_data(f, response.json())
[docs] def upload_string_to_file( self, string, file_name, file_description=None, force=False ): """Upload a string to save as a file in a record. :param string: The string to save as a file. :type string: str :param file_name: The name under which the file should be stored. :type file_name: str :param file_description: The description of the file. :type file_description: str, optional :param force: Whether to replace an existing file with identical name. :type force: bool, optional :return: The final response object of the upload process. """ mem = BytesIO(string.encode()) file_size = mem.getbuffer().nbytes response = self._initiate_upload( file_name, file_size, file_description=file_description, force=force ) if response.status_code != 201: return response return self._upload_data(mem, response.json())
[docs] def download_file(self, file_id, file_path): """Download a file of a record. :param file_id: The file ID of the file to download. :type file_id: str :param file_path: The full path to store the file. :type file_path: str :return: The response object. """ endpoint = f"{self.base_path}/{}/files/{file_id}/download" response = self._get(endpoint, stream=True) if response.status_code == 200: chunked_response(file_path, response) return response
[docs] def download_all_files(self, file_path): """Download all files of a record as ZIP archive. :param file_path: The full path to store the archive. :type file_path: str :return: The response object. """ endpoint = f"{self.base_path}/{}/files/download" response = self._get(endpoint, stream=True) if response.status_code == 200: chunked_response(file_path, response) return response
[docs] def get_file_revisions(self, **params): r"""Get the file revisions of a file in this record. :param \**params: Additional parameters. :return: The response object. """ endpoint = f"{self.base_path}/{}/files/revisions" return self._get(endpoint, params=params)
[docs] def get_file_revision(self, revision_id, **params): r"""Get a specific file revision of a file in this record. :param revision_id: The revision ID of the file. :type revision_id: int :param \**params: Additional parameters. :return: The response object. """ endpoint = f"{self.base_path}/{}/files/revisions/{revision_id}" return self._get(endpoint, params=params)
[docs] def get_record_revisions(self, **params): r"""Get the revisions of this record. :param \**params: Additional parameters. :return: The response object. """ endpoint = f"{self.base_path}/{}/revisions" return self._get(endpoint, params=params)
[docs] def get_record_revision(self, revision_id, **params): r"""Get a specific revision of this record. :param revision_id: The revision ID of the record. :type revision_id: int :param \**params: Additional parameters. :return: The response object. """ endpoint = f"{self.base_path}/{}/revisions/{revision_id}" return self._get(endpoint, params=params)
[docs] def get_users(self, **params): r"""Get users from a record. Supports pagination. :param \**params: Additional parameters. :return: The response object. """ endpoint = f"{self.base_path}/{}/roles/users" return self._get(endpoint, params=params)
[docs] def get_groups(self, **params): r"""Get group roles from a record. Supports pagination. :param \**params: Additional parameters. :return: The response object. """ endpoint = f"{self.base_path}/{}/roles/groups" return self._get(endpoint, params=params)
[docs] def get_filelist(self, **params): r"""Get the filelist. Supports pagination. :param \**params: Additional parameters. :return: The response object. """ endpoint = f"{self.base_path}/{}/files" return self._get(endpoint, params=params)
[docs] def get_number_files(self): """Get number of all files of a record. :return: The number of files. :rtype: int :raises KadiAPYRequestError: If request was not successful. """ response = self.get_filelist() if response.status_code == 200: payload = response.json() return payload["_pagination"]["total_items"] raise KadiAPYRequestError(response.json())
[docs] def get_file_name(self, file_id): """Get file name from a given file ID. :param file_id: The ID of the file. :type group_id: str :return: The name of the file. :rtype: str :raises KadiAPYInputError: If no file with the given file ID exists. """ endpoint = f"{self.base_path}/{}/files/{file_id}" response = self._get(endpoint) if response.status_code == 200: return response.json()["name"] raise KadiAPYInputError(f"No file with id {file_id} in {self}.")
[docs] def get_metadatum(self, name): """Return a specific metadatum. :param name: Either a single key as a string or a list of strings for nested metadata. Note that for list values, the keys are replaced by corresponding indices, also as string, starting at 1. :type name: str or list :return: The metadatum or ``None`` if it could not be found. """ keys = name if isinstance(name, list) else [name] # The current list of extras to search. current_extras = self.meta["extras"] # The current extra that was found based on the keys to search, which may or may # not represent the result yet. current_extra = None # The type of the nested extra we are currently in, which is relevant for nested # extras. nested_type = None for i, key in enumerate(keys): if nested_type == "list": try: index = int(key) except ValueError: return None if index < 1 or index > len(current_extras): return None current_extra = current_extras[index - 1] else: try: # Due to using a generator expression, the iteration stops once a # match is found. current_extra = next( extra for extra in current_extras if extra["key"] == key ) except StopIteration: return None current_extras = current_extra["value"] nested_type = current_extra["type"] # Did not find all keys yet, but cannot continue the search. if i < len(keys) - 1 and not isinstance(current_extras, list): return None return current_extra
[docs] def get_file_id(self, file_name): """Get the file ID based on the file name. :param file_name: Additional parameters. :type file_name: str :return: The file ID (UUID). :rtype: str :raises KadiAPYInputError: If no file with the given name exists. """ response = self._get(f"{self.base_path}/{}/files/name/{file_name}") if response.status_code == 200: return response.json()["id"] raise KadiAPYInputError(f"No file with name {file_name} in {self}.")
[docs] def get_file_info(self, file_id): """Get information of a file based on the file_id. :param file_id: The ID of the file. :type file_id: str :return: The response object. """ return self._get(f"{self.base_path}/{}/files/{file_id}")
[docs] def has_file(self, file_name): """Check if file with the given name already exists. :param file_name: The name of the file. :type file_name: str :return: ``True`` if file already exists, otherwise ``False``. """ try: self.get_file_id(file_name) return True except: return False
[docs] def edit_file(self, file_id, **kwargs): r"""Edit the metadata of a file of the record. :param file_id: The ID (UUID) of the file to edit. :type file_id: str :param \**kwargs: The metadata to update the file with. :return: The response object. """ kwargs = {key: value for key, value in kwargs.items() if value is not None} return self._patch(f"{self.base_path}/{}/files/{file_id}", json=kwargs)
[docs] def delete_file(self, file_id): r"""Delete a file of the record. :param file_id: The ID (UUID) of the file to delete. :type file_id: str :return: The response object. """ return self._delete(f"{self.base_path}/{}/files/{file_id}")
[docs] def flatten_extras(self, separator="."): r"""Create a list of flatted metadata. :param separator: A string for separating the metadata. :type separator: str, optional :return: A list of flatted metadata. :rtype: list """ return _flatten_extras(self.meta["extras"], separator, key_prefix="")